Ollieblox TOS


Welcome to the Ollieblox / Ollieblox Corp TOS.


1. No cookie logging. Do not cookie log into peoples Ollieblox accounts. This will lead to a Perm BAN / IP Ban
2. No Scamming. Scamming will lead to a 3 day ban or Perm ban. Please do not scam.
3. No DDOS. DDos or DDOS Attack is when you send Millions of bots to crash our website. Doing this will get you HARDWARE Banned / IP Banned / Most likely SUED or / and will take LEGAL Action.
4. No Gambling. Gambling will lead to a Perm ban.
5. No hacking. This will also lead to a Perm Ban.

Playing terms.

1. No Bullying. Bullying will lead to a warn or a 1 - 7 day ban on Ollieblox.
2. *error*
3. No swearing (Under 13):. Underage swearing leads to bans, and if we catch kids swearing, we will EMAIL your Parents.
(Swearing Over 13):. If you OVER 13, you can Swear Lightly. But Swearing by bullying will get you banned.

Last updated. March 6, 2023